

he shoots, he scores...

ok. this post has two complete thoughts wrapped up in one title.
First off, "he shoots" is a good way to describe my most recent addiction. his name is "pellet gun":

i can't stop shooting this thing, and what is more frustrating is that there is nothing to really shoot at. I am basically just shooting at the wall and down the hall.

Second, the entire phrase of "he shoots, he scores" implies a goal being made. I have set 3 goals this summer:

a.) read 1 book a week
b.) write a new worship song each month
c.) lose 25-30lbs.

so far a,b, and c haven't happened.




Let me introduce myself.



my summer of refresh has not been very effective.

thus far: i was in the emergency room, admitted to the hospital for 3 days, missed 2 sundays of worship at the church, had an all-time high fever of 103.6, worked my tail off at work everyday, struggling with this lawsuit, its hot, and finances have been stressful.

in the same regard, God is ever so present and faithful. he has sustained my life, my wife and her life, our marriage, and
His bride. in light of his goodness, i am begging him to make me more like him. i fail on a minute basis but grace [upon grace] fills my failure and grants me access to life.

so what is to come of these thoughts?
nothing but grace.
